Customer Satisfaction Surveys: Why Are They Important?

Customer Satisfaction Surveys

By Susan Reilly – Head of Sales and Marketing 

Customer satisfaction surveys are essential in the current business environment because they provide  insightful information about customers’ preferences, experiences, and viewpoints. In this blog post, we discuss the importance of customer satisfaction surveys and how they can help your business.

Customer Satisfaction Surveys Strengthen Ties With Clients

A strong relationship with your consumers can be built and sustained with the help of customer satisfaction surveys. You show that you value your customers opinions and are dedicated to giving them the best experience possible by asking for their feedback and opinions. Clients who use an open communication channel develop trust and loyalty because they feel heard and valued.

Strong customer relationships depend on satisfied customers. Customers can contribute real-time feedback with Customer Perceptions’ creative customer feedback platform, TellUsFirst, which helps businesses to improve their customer experience. Customers can share their suggestions for improvement through TellUsFirst and you can act on their suggestions quickly.

Track Progress

Customer satisfaction surveys are a valuable tool for monitoring the progress and development of your company over time. By tracking customer satisfaction levels regularly, you can discover patterns, identify areas for improvement, and evaluate the results of adjustments made in response to customer feedback. You can use this data-driven strategy to measure the success of your customer experience efforts and make educated decisions.

Businesses can track trends in customer satisfaction, Net Promoter Score (NPS), and feedback over time with the help of Customer Perceptions’ TellUsFirst solution, which offers analytical, user-friendly dashboards. Businesses can evaluate their performance, establish standards, and monitor changes in consumer satisfaction using this valuable data.

Surveys Support Business Decision-Making

One of the significant advantages of customer satisfaction surveys is the ability to obtain information and insights that assist in company decision-making. Businesses can better meet consumer expectations by identifying what customers value most and where adjustments are required.

The TellUsFirst service from Customer Perceptions removes obstacles to capturing date by giving companies access to affordable, real-time consumer feedback data. Regardless of size or location, businesses can use this tool to collect honest evaluations of their offering and customer service. Companies can make data-driven decisions that enhance consumer satisfaction by using these insights.

Fix Mistakes and Correct Poor Customer Service

Customer satisfaction surveys provide an opportunity to resolve any issues or negative customer experiences in a timely manner. When clients express discontent in their comments, you can act right away to fix the problem and turn a bad experience into a good one.

The TellUsFirst solution from Customer Perceptions helps organisations close the feedback loop by allowing customers to leave their contact information if they so wish . This feature demonstrates a dedication to addressing customer complaints and enhancing their experience by enabling prompt and customised responses.

At Customer Perceptions, we know how vital customer satisfaction surveys are to a company’s success. Our market research tools enable companies to understand their customers better, improve the customer experience, and make the right business decisions. To find out more about how we can assist you in maximising the potential of customer satisfaction surveys, contact us today.

How To Measure The Impact Of Customer Experience Initiatives

customer experience

By Susan Reilly – Head of Sales and Marketing

The success of firms in all sectors is now heavily influenced by customer experience. Giving your customers a positive experience can boost their contentment and loyalty, ultimately resulting in business growth. But how can companies evaluate the results of their attempts to improve the customer experience? In this blog post, we discuss the resources, advantages, and key performance indicators (KPIs) that businesses may use to monitor the results of their efforts to improve the customer experience.

What Measurement Tools are Available for Customer Experience?

Businesses can use various methods to assess the effects of customer experience initiatives. Customer surveys are one of these methods. Companies can get direct consumer feedback and gain an understanding of their satisfaction levels, preferences, and problem areas by regularly conducting customer surveys.

Cutting-edge technological solutions like TellUsFirst by Customer Perceptions provide the ability to receive direct client feedback whether in store or online. Customers can contribute real-time feedback about their experiences with TellUsFirst, allowing businesses to enhance their services and address customers issues in a timely manner. By giving customers a direct channel to share feedback both positive and negative, this provides companies with another valuable tool to improve customer experience.

Mystery shopping services is another approach to consider. By hiring people to pretend to be customers, mystery shoppers can assess the quality of the customer experience according to predetermined standards. This approach offers an honest and first-hand evaluation of the client journey, allowing organisations to spot areas for improvement.

Benefits of Measuring Customer Experiences

For businesses, measuring customer experience has several advantages. Firstly, it offers information on client satisfaction levels. Companies can determine opportunities for improvement by tracking how satisfied customers are with their experiences. Building strong customer relationships and improving the overall customer experience are some of the benefits that can result from improvements made as a result of this information.

Identifying and resolving problems that result in poor customer experiences is another benefit of measuring customer experience. Businesses can identify these pain points and take the necessary action to address them and prevent them from happening again. This proactive approach shows a dedication to client satisfaction and can significantly enhance how the brand is perceived in general.

Tracking customer experience initiatives over time enables firms to monitor their customer and marketing strategies. Businesses can evaluate the performance of their industries and make data-driven adjustments as necessary by establishing clear KPIs and routinely tracking progress. This cycle of continual development helps your growth and long-term success.

What Are The KPIs For Enhancing The Customer Experience?

Key performance indicators (KPIs) are crucial measurements that assist companies in gauging the success of their activities aimed at improving the customer experience. The following are some typical KPIs for enhancing customer experience:

Customer Satisfaction Score (CSAT): This KPI gauges customers’ general level of satisfaction based on their interactions with a company. Typically, post-purchase or post-interaction surveys are used to measure it.
Net Promoter Score (NPS): NPS assesses client loyalty and propensity to refer customers to a business. Detractors (unhappy customers) and promoters (loyal consumers) are valuable indicators of customer sentiment.
Customer Effort Score (CES): CES gauges how simple it is for customers to accomplish a task or solve a problem. Low customer effort is stressed since high effort can result in unpleasant encounters and dissatisfaction.
Repeat Buy Rate: The percentage of clients that make repeat purchases is shown by the KPI known as the repeat buy rate. A high rate of repeat business indicates contented clients who are likely to stick to a brand.
Customer Retention Rate: The proportion of customers who keep doing business with a company over a specified period is measured by the customer retention rate. A high retention rate indicates strong client relationships and a good customer experience.

Businesses can obtain important insights into customer behaviour by routinely monitoring these KPIs.

Ready to reduce bad customer experiences and improve the number of good relationships with customers that your business has? Then contact Customer Perceptions today.

The Crucial Role of Mystery Shopping in Today’s Competitive Market

By Susan Reilly – Head of Sales and Marketing

In today’s cutthroat business landscape, companies face intense competition and ever-increasing customer expectations. To gain a competitive edge, businesses must prioritise delivering exceptional customer experiences. This is where mystery shopping comes into play. Mystery shopping, a method of evaluating customer interactions through anonymous shoppers, has become an indispensable tool for organisations looking to understand their customers better, identify areas for improvement and stay ahead of the competition. 

In this blog post, we will explore the importance of mystery shopping in today’s competitive market and how it can drive business success.

  1. Customer Experience Differentiation: In a sea of competitors, businesses must find ways to stand out and differentiate themselves. Exceptional customer experiences have become a key differentiator in the market. Mystery shopping provides organisations with unbiased feedback on various aspects of the customer journey, including service quality, staff performance and overall satisfaction. By uncovering gaps and areas for improvement, businesses can take proactive measures to enhance their customer experience, exceed expectations and create a positive brand perception that sets them apart from their rivals.
  2. Identifying Operational Strengths and Weaknesses: Mystery shopping allows businesses to evaluate their operational strengths and weaknesses from a customer’s perspective. By analysing mystery shopping reports, companies can identify specific areas where they excel and leverage those strengths to their advantage. Similarly, it enables them to pinpoint weaknesses and address them promptly. Whether it’s improving employee training, refining processes, or optimising product displays, mystery shopping provides actionable insights that drive operational excellence and continuous improvement.
  3. Monitoring and Maintaining Consistency: Consistency is vital for building trust and loyalty among customers. Inconsistent experiences can lead to customer dissatisfaction and a negative impact on brand reputation. Mystery shopping plays a crucial role in monitoring and maintaining consistency across multiple locations or touchpoints. By regularly evaluating different outlets, departments, or even online channels, businesses can ensure that their brand standards are upheld consistently. This level of consistency builds trust, fosters loyalty and gives businesses an edge in an increasingly competitive market.
  4. Competitor Benchmarking: Staying ahead of the competition requires a deep understanding of their strengths and weaknesses. Mystery shopping allows businesses to benchmark their performance against their competitors. By deploying mystery shoppers to evaluate rival businesses, organisations can gain insights into what their competitors are doing well and identify areas where they can outperform them. This knowledge enables businesses to fine-tune their strategies, differentiate themselves and seize growth opportunities.
  5. Empowering Data-Driven Decision-Making: In today’s data-centric world, making informed decisions is critical for success. Mystery shopping provides businesses with tangible and quantifiable data about customer experiences. This data, combined with other metrics and feedback mechanisms, empowers organisations to make data-driven decisions. By analysing trends, identifying patterns and leveraging insights from mystery shopping reports, businesses can prioritise initiatives, allocate resources effectively and implement targeted improvements that drive customer satisfaction and business growth.

In today’s competitive market, the importance of mystery shopping cannot be overstated. It serves as a powerful tool for businesses to understand customer experiences, identify areas for improvement and strategically differentiate themselves in the quest for success.

As companies navigate the challenges of a highly competitive marketplace, mystery shopping offers a way to gain a competitive edge. From understanding customer preferences to fine-tuning operations, monitoring the consistency and benchmarking against rivals, mystery shopping empowers businesses to make informed decisions, enhance the customer experience and foster long-term success. In this dynamic business environment, embracing the power of mystery shopping is no longer an option but a necessity for organisations striving to thrive in today’s competitive market.

Stay Ahead of the Game: The Latest Trends in Customer Experience

Stay Ahead of the Game: The Latest Trends in Customer Experience

By Susan Reilly – Head of Sales and Marketing

Customer satisfaction is a crucial component of the success of every organisation. Giving customers a positive experience can boost their contentment and loyalty and will boost your brand’s reputation. One way to ensure you meet and exceed customer expectations is by keeping up with the most recent trends in customer experience. We’ll look at some of the newest customer experience trends in this blog and how they can help your company.


The customer experience landscape is being completely transformed by automation. Thanks to technological improvements, businesses today have access to tools and software that can automate critical steps in the customer experience. Automation enables increased efficiencies and streamlined processes, from chatbots that offer immediate service to personalised email campaigns sent in response to client behaviour. Automating your customer experience strategy will enable you to provide timely, dependable service to boost client satisfaction.

Predictive Evaluation

Data and analytics are used in predictive analysis to foresee client behaviour and preferences. Businesses can make informed decisions and adjust their services to suit specific client needs by studying past customer interactions and purchasing trends. With the help of predictive analysis, you can also anticipate consumer needs, make relevant product or service recommendations, and develop unique customer experiences. This data-driven strategy improves customer satisfaction and creates positive customer relationships, encouraging loyalty and repeat business.

Customer Satisfaction Surveys

Customer experience surveys are essential for learning about the opinions of your consumers and getting feedback. You can get an accurate appraisal of how your customers feel about your company by regularly conducting customer surveys. These questionnaires offer insightful information about your strengths and opportunities for development. You can also make informed judgements and put processes in place that improve the entire customer experience by paying attention to what your customers say. You can get real-time feedback using tools like Customer Perceptions’ TellUsFirst, which allows you to continuously enhance your services and keep a positive relationship with clients.

Employ Experts

Employing customer service and customer experience management experts is crucial to guarantee a seamless client experience. These specialists are qualified to put customer experience-related strategies into practice. They can assist you with establishing a customer-focused culture within your business, training your personnel to provide excellent customer service, and creating customer satisfaction-focused business procedures. You can differentiate yourself from the competition and build enduring customer relationships by investing in professionals who recognise the value of a positive customer experience.

You can stay competitive by incorporating these trends into your customer experience plan. Effectively implementing and analysing these trends, however, can be difficult. That’s where Customer Perceptions comes in. Customer Perceptions, one of the industry’s top providers of market research products, provides an immediate customer feedback service called TellUsFirst. With this cutting-edge solution, your consumers can provide feedback in real-time, helping you improve your service and customer experience. You can assess customer experience, monitor standards, and acquire insightful consumer data with the help of Customer Perceptions’ expertise and customised solutions, which will help you enhance customer retention, sales, and revenue.

Contact Customer Perceptions to elevate your customer experience. Let us assist you in staying competitive and providing outstanding client experiences that promote business success.

Why Mystery Shopping is a Key Tool for the Retail Industry

Why Mystery Shopping is a Key Tool for the Retail Industry

By Susan Reilly – Head of Sales and Marketing

The key to success in today’s competitive market is having a solid grasp of your customers. With the help of trained shoppers known as mystery shoppers, mystery shopping evaluates the customer experience and offers valuable insights into your customers’ shopping trips. These fictitious customers observe and assess pre-defined areas of a customer’s shopping trip, including customer service, product quality, and overall experience. You can improve your customer experience by identifying strengths and weaknesses in your customer journey with mystery shopping, which gives you a unique consumer perspective.

It Contributes to Your Analysis of Your Competitors

You must be thoroughly aware of your rivals’ advantages and disadvantages if you want to stay one step ahead of them. An efficient tool for competitor analysis is mystery shopping. You can learn important information about your competitors’ customer experience, pricing strategy, product positioning, and marketing communications etc by hiring mystery shoppers to assess their stores. Using this data, you can evaluate your performance and spot opportunities to set yourself apart from the competition.

Are Your Internal Processes Being Followed? 

Through mystery shopping, you can assess compliance with internal processes and gain insights into your company’s customer-facing operations. Your staff’s compliance with company policies and procedures can be evaluated by mystery shoppers, assuring uniformity and high standards across all sites. Mystery shopping enables you to apply the required training and modifications, resulting in a more effective and efficient operation by discovering areas for improvement in internal processes.

It Enhances and Advances Your Brand

Building customer loyalty and gaining new customers depend on having a great brand image. You can evaluate how effectively your brand is marketed in store by using mystery shopping. To maintain a consistent brand message and a favourable brand experience, mystery shoppers can review a variety of touchpoints, including point of sale signage, marketing materials, and interactions with staff. Mystery shopping assists you in enhancing your brand’s reputation and developing a consistent customer experience across all channels by pointing out potential improvement areas.

Utilising Mystery Shopping as Part of Your Marketing Plan

Knowing the advantages of mystery shopping, and selecting the best partner to carry out this insightful customer experience analysis is critical. Many companies also want a tool that allows customers to give direct feedback (and also avoid unwanted negative reviews about their brand). Through their TellUsFirst platform, Customer Perceptions provides a comprehensive feedback service. Customers can leave real-time feedback on their experiences with Customer Perceptions’ instant customer feedback system, enabling you to continuously improve your services and customer experience. 

To best serve your needs, Customer Perceptions offers various mystery shopping services, including in-store, telephone, internet analysis, and competition analysis. As a primary marketing tool, mystery shopping offers improved customer insight, contributes to competitor analysis, shows how to improve internal processes, and strengthens and builds your brand. You can acquire a competitive edge, boost customer satisfaction, and promote company expansion by including mystery shopping in your marketing plan. To make the most of mystery shopping and advance your marketing efforts, contact Customer Perceptions immediately.

Visit Customer Perceptions to learn more about the company and its market research services.

5 Reasons Why Mystery Shopping Is A Key Marketing Tool

5 reasons why mystery shopping is a key marketing tool

Mystery shopping, a technique that involves sending anonymous evaluators to assess the customer experience, has become an increasingly important tool in modern marketing. With the ability to provide valuable insights into the strengths and weaknesses of a business, it offers a unique perspective that traditional market research methods cannot match. 

In this article, we will explore five reasons why mystery shopping is a vital marketing tool, from identifying areas for improvement to enhancing customer loyalty and driving revenue growth.

You Gain Better Customer Insight 

Mystery shopping is a valuable tool businesses use to gain better customer insight. This process involves hiring trained professionals to pose as regular customers and evaluate the customer experience at various touchpoints of a business. By doing so, businesses can gain insights into how customers perceive their products or services, how they interact with their staff, and what factors influence their purchasing decisions. These insights can help businesses identify areas for improvement in their customer service, products, or marketing strategies, leading to a better overall shopping experience. Mystery shopping can also provide businesses with valuable feedback that they can use to refine their sales approach and build stronger customer relationships.

It Forms Part Of Your Competitor Analysis

Mystery shopping can be a powerful tool in conducting competitor analysis. By sending a mystery shopper to a competitor’s business, companies can gain valuable insights into their operations, customer service, and overall customer experience. This information can be used to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the competition and to benchmark against their own operations. Additionally, companies can gather information on competitor pricing strategies, product offerings, and promotional tactics, which can inform their own business strategies. Mystery shopping can help companies stay ahead of the competition by identifying areas where they can improve and capitalize on opportunities to differentiate themselves in the marketplace.

You Can Learn About Internal Procedures 

Mystery shopping is a great way to learn about internal procedures within a company. By posing as regular customers, mystery shoppers can evaluate how well employees adhere to company policies, such as customer service standards, sales procedures, and handling customer complaints. This can help companies identify areas where they need to improve internal procedures and can ultimately lead to better customer experiences.

Create And Evaluate Products Based On Valuable Research

Mystery shopping can also be a valuable tool for creating and evaluating products. By using mystery shoppers to evaluate competitor products and services, companies can gain insights into what works well and what doesn’t. This information can then be used to inform product development and marketing strategies. Additionally, mystery shopping can help companies evaluate the effectiveness of their own products and services, identifying areas where they may need to make improvements to better meet the needs of their customers.

It Promotes And Improves Your Brand

By ensuring that your employees deliver consistent and high-quality customer experiences, you can build a positive reputation for your brand. Mystery shopping can also help companies identify areas where they need to improve their customer service or product offerings, allowing them to better meet the needs of their customers. By consistently delivering exceptional customer experiences, you can build customer loyalty, increase customer retention, and ultimately drive more revenue for your business.

Looking for a market research solutions provider?
Look no further than Customer Perceptions!

Our services are designed to improve customer experience, provide competitor insights, boost customer retention, monitor industry standards, and ultimately increase sales and revenue.

We operate globally, serving clients in Ireland, the UK, and beyond. 

Contact us today to learn more about how you can leverage mystery shopping as a marketing tool.  

The Different Types of Mystery Shopping Explained


The use of a mystery shopping program in your business is a fantastic way to evaluate how your company operates, from customer service to employee performance. Also known as secret shopping, mystery shopping is a market research tool used to identify problem areas in your business and improve customer loyalty. 

A professional shopper (usually an independent contractor from a mystery shopping agency) will pretend to be an average customer and evaluate the quality of service they receive. The entire process is done anonymously by trained professionals, so no one will know who the mystery shopper is. Therefore, businesses will be provided with professional, unbiased feedback on whether their strategies are working and any problem areas so they can be rectified. 

In-Person Mystery Shops

In-person mystery shopping is the most common type of mystery shopping service used by businesses. As a part of this service, a mystery shopper will anonymously visit a business pretending to be a regular customer and evaluate the business performance and customer journey following a predetermined set of guidelines. 

With in-person mystery shopping, the goal is to conduct the evaluation without raising suspicion from the staff in order to obtain the most accurate information possible. If the staff aren’t aware that someone is evaluating them, they are more likely to act how they would on a daily basis. The secret shopper will have an all-around experience of the customer journey in your store. The visit can vary in length depending on the type of indicators, mystery shopping purpose, or the type of evaluated sphere. 

In-person mystery shopping is most commonly used by retail stores, the hospitality industry, restaurants, and financial institutions. 

Phone Call Mystery Shops

Next on the list is Phone Call Mystery Shopping. Just as audits of performance and customer experience should be conducted in-store, monitoring the telephonic performance of your employees is just as important. Phone Call Mystery Shopping is especially useful for companies that utilise call centres or where customers can receive service telephonically. 

The mystery shopper will call your company to assess the level of service they receive. During the call, the secret shopper will determine the following points (among others) to determine the performance of your business telephonically: 

  • Is it easy or difficult to contact your business?
  • How long did it take for the phone to be answered?
  • The employee’s greeting.
  • The employee’s competence and product knowledge.
  • The employee’s telephone manner and professionalism.
  • The employee’s willingness to help.
  • Whether the customer’s problem was solved on the call or not. 

Typical telephone mystery shops include everything from completing remote transactions to simply asking for additional information. Phone-based mystery shopping is most commonly used by businesses in the following industries: Hospitality, travel, call centres, communication, consulting, insurance, sales, financial services, communication, and healthcare. 

Website Mystery Shops

A strong online presence is crucial to the success of your business in the digital age. Most people carry their phones everywhere, search for businesses nearby, and look at online reviews that can either make or break your business image. In addition, the evolution of e-commerce and e-business has made mystery shopping just as important for online retailers as it is for on-site establishments. 

Website Mystery Shops, also known as virtual mystery shops or internet mystery shopping, see the secret shopper engage with your business online. The secret shopper will assess how responsive your business is online, whether your website is easy to navigate, your employee’s competencies and product knowledge, and how your employees interact with customers on social media and through the website. 

This type of mystery shopping is most commonly used by businesses in the following sectors: e-commerce, travel, insurance, automotive, real estate, and telecommunications. 

Hybrid Mystery Shops

Also referred to as multiple touchpoints or mixed-type mystery shopping, the hybrid service is typically used by larger businesses that need several mystery shopping evaluations. Using in-person, telephonic, and online mystery shoppers ensures you have accurate information and actionable insights into all aspects of your business. 

Hybrid mystery shopping is a fantastic way to assess the entire customer journey across all spheres of your business to better understand the customer’s overall experience from start to finish. 

The type of mystery shopping that best suits your business is dependent on your industry and business model, but if you need help choosing a mystery shopping service that offers the most benefit for your specific needs, contact Customer Perceptions today.

How Mystery Shopping Can Benefit Your Business

How mystery shopping can benefit your business

From the outside looking in, one may think that the more customers a company has, the higher its profits. However, this is not necessarily the case. Anyone with retail experience will tell you that building a network of loyal, repeat customers is the cornerstone to the success of your business. 

Suppose your customer service, staff performance, or customer experience is not up to par. In that case, customers won’t return to your business, word of mouth will spread, and you will eventually lose income. As a business owner or executive, rectifying any problem areas in how your business is run can only be done after the problems have been identified. This is where mystery shopping programs come in. 

Many businesses, especially in the retail and hospitality industries, aim to identify problem areas in their business performance by using mystery shopping agencies. Mystery shopping is a process whereby an independent person is hired, through an agency, to masquerade as a customer and perform an evaluation of your business to determine customer satisfaction and service quality. The hired mystery shopper will be an anonymous consumer and have no connection to you or any of your staff. This is to ensure that all reports remain unbiased. 

The mystery shoppers will visit your business and rate their experience in an unbiased, professional, and thorough manner. They will complete a detailed report of the entire customer journey to their superiors, who will share the information with you so you will be aware of how customers perceive your company’s service and their experience as a whole. 

Here are some of the benefits of hiring a mystery shopper to evaluate your business: 

Get Valuable Feedback from a Customer’s Perspective

Mystery shoppers are trained professionals, so when they visit your business as a customer, they will take note of every aspect of the customer journey from start to finish. No matter how big or small an issue may be, it will be noted. This is a lot more effective than waiting for reports from your management or waiting until an actual customer brings forward a complaint. 

This attention to detail and knowledge of the retail sector will help your business pinpoint specific areas for improvement that may have been flying under the radar. When you know how your customer experience, satisfaction, and brand perception are seen from a customer’s point of view, you can make the necessary changes to improve customer retention. Not only can this improve your customer loyalty, but the improvement in your business image can attract new customers.  

Gives You Insight Into Staff Performance and Internal Procedures

Even if your employees are fully proficient in the business’s Standard Operating Procedures (SOP), sometimes the top-down approach to company standards and procedures still doesn’t have the desired effect at a store level. Even if your management department provides reports on business operations and staff behaviour, personal biases may hinder their ability to see problem areas (whether intentional or not).

The unbiased perspective of a professional shopper can provide you with actionable insights into your employee integrity and whether your operational procedures are working. Not only will this show you areas where further training or action may be needed, but the mystery shopper can also give you the following valuable insights: 

  • Are your current operational procedures working at a store level?
  • How do your employees handle customer complaints?
  • Are your sales representatives selling actively or passively?
  • Does your staff have relevant product knowledge?
  • Did your team acknowledge the customer when they walked in? (Smiling, greeting, or offering help; Or was the customer ignored?) 
  • Are employees presentable and abiding by the company dress code, if there is one?
  • How do employees act when there isn’t a manager around? 
  • Are legal requirements and professional standards being met?
  • Are your staff members on their cellphones in front of customers? 
  • Suggestions and recommendations for improvement. 

Valuable Research into Your Competitors 

Competitiveness is rife in the retail industry. If you know how your competition performs, what they’re doing, their business values, how they treat their customers, or how their layout works, you can see where you rank in comparison and how to improve. This will provide you with the competitive advantage your store may need to provide better customer service and put your store steps above your competitors. 

Mystery shopping combines qualitative and quantitative market research, using professionals trained to evaluate an experience in a storefront environment. This doesn’t just help businesses like retail stores, but any company that offers some level of customer service. Contact Customer Perceptions today if you are located in Ireland or the UK and want to know more about mystery shopping or other ways you can improve your business performance.